Eveline den Boogert is a very experienced family constellation facilitator and senior coach and trainer Systemic Work and Family Constellations for Basic and Advanced Trainings at UNLP, among others.
She supervises the Intensive Systemic Work, for people with a systemic education or background who want to further professionalize through Supervision and Personal Process Work. In a safe setting, work is done on further investigating and elaborating your own themes and to deepen and broaden your supervision.
Eveline specializes in the systemic view of Blended Families and Systemic Rituals (a combination of Systemic Work and Shamanism)
With the tag #opstellingenhilversum on social media and in the facebook group Lineups Hilversum (membership on request) she shares experiences and interesting information.
Together with Ulrik, Eveline regularly hosts family constellation evenings in her own practice.