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Stress puts the body in a state of readiness. It enables you to react extra alertly and to work with concentration. After such a situation, the tension flows away by itself and the body, breathing and mind come to rest again. 'Healthy' stress is functional and is 'healthy' as long as the demands that are made on someone or that someone makes on themselves are not higher than what the person can handle. The load (the burden) and the carrying capacity (the resilience) are then in balance with each other. Some situations cause stress without it being functional. Chronic stress is no longer 'healthy' and causes overload, the longer this situation lasts the worse the complaints, eventually you become exhausted - burnout.


Stress and burnout often appear to be physical symptoms that have psychological causes at their root. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to put your finger on the sore spot and gain insight into the inner conflict that is going on. Sometimes we know what is going on but not how to solve it. And sometimes we simply do not know which events are stored in our body as stress. This can be an event from your own life history, but even unprocessed traumas from previous generations can be stored in your body as stress. A constellation can help to gain more insight into this.

Take contact Contact me if you want to know more about stress and/or burnout.


In a stress constellation, you can work in different ways. Sometimes it is very clear what the source of your feelings of stress is. A busy job, the combination of work and family, over-demanding or underestimating yourself, a relationship that is not going well, illness or care tasks for a loved one. A random selection from the sea of possibilities that form the source of stress or burnout. When the causes are clearly identifiable, we set them up and look at their mutual coherence and influences. We also look at your resources and how they can possibly provide relief.

Sometimes it is not so explicit or maybe it is old patterns that cause you to experience more stress in certain situations. With the help of a set-up we experiment with different elements. Then it also becomes visible which movement or intervention can bring relief to your system.

A stress constellation is a special application of systemic work in which the dynamics behind your stress are examined. The goal is to gain insight into the underlying causes of stress and to discover what can help you to find more peace and balance. Here you can read step by step how such a setup works:

1. Formulating your question

The session starts with discussing your specific question or theme around stress. This could be for example:

  • “Why do I keep feeling exhausted even though I work less?”
  • “What prevents me from setting my boundaries?”
  • “How can I better deal with the pressure from my environment?”

Eveline helps you to clarify your question and to discover what you want to explore during the constellation.

2. Preparing the setup

Then your question or theme is looked at systemically. This means that Eveline looks at how your stress may be related to:

  • Personal circumstances
  • Dynamics in your family system
  • Relationships with work, time, or other important elements in your life

These components are represented in the setup by people (in a group setup) or symbols, such as figures or floor anchors (in an individual setup).

3. The setup itself

During the setup, the representatives or symbols are placed in the space. They represent for example:

  • Yourself
  • Your work or tasks
  • A specific feeling, such as fear or guilt
  • An important person in your life

Eveline observes what happens in this setup and how the representatives relate to each other. This process often makes patterns visible that you had not consciously noticed before.

4. Insight and movement

Eveline asks questions and makes small changes in the setup, such as moving a representative or symbol. This can help to see which adjustments contribute to more balance and less tension. Often there is insight into:

  • What burdens you unconsciously carry and how to let them go
  • What's stopping you from letting go of your stress
  • How to take your place differently in work or relationships

5. Conclusion and reflection

After the setup there is room to discuss with Eveline what you have experienced and learned. You will receive tools to apply what you have discovered in the setup in your daily life.

What makes a stress setup so effective?

A stress constellation works not only cognitively but also on an emotional level. It gives you direct insight into patterns that cause your stress and at the same time offers solutions to let go of them or approach them differently. Through the systemic perspective you often discover new possibilities to deal with stress, which you might not have thought of yourself.

With a stress constellation you will get more clarity, balance and insight into the causes of your tension. This can help you to deal with stress better and ultimately to be calmer and more resilient in life. Are you curious? Contact us to experience a stress constellation!


Systemic Work through: family constellations, organizational constellations, table constellations, stress constellations and systemic coaching


Systemic work and the resulting method of family constellations is a way to look at your stress. A family constellation is a three-dimensional representation of the systemic background of your question or complaint. With this method, which is often used in coaching and therapy, you can also look at other problems or recurring themes in your life that you would like to change. Using systemic work, or constellations, patterns from the past, certain problems or behavior can become visible and clear. The constellation makes hidden obstacles or entanglements within a system, family or organization visible and manageable. It offers opportunities to get to know your own themes on a different level and thus find new ways to deal with them.


In family constellations, the influence of the system of origin is examined. It appears that many people remain so strongly attached to their family that this has a great influence on their own functioning, on their relationship and on their children. Very often, there appear to be entanglements at an unconscious level. Disruptions in family relationships have a great influence on a person's life.


  • Stress / burnout
  • Diseases and symptoms
  • Relationship problems / disturbed family relationships / having no place within the family
  • Depressive feelings / negative self-image
  • Regularly recurring fear, anger, sadness
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Too much sense of responsibility
  • Not feeling known or seen
  • Fear of commitment or fear of abandonment
  • Coping with a divorce/loss of a loved one through death
  • Physical complaints without an identifiable cause

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