Focus on what you can influence
Many events at work and at home are beyond our control. Instead of getting stressed about this, it is better to focus on what you do have control over, such as the way you deal with these events.
Everyone looks at the world around them with a certain lens. This lens can lead to a lot of tension. Practice looking at the same situations through the eyes of someone else. Are you not expecting too much or unrealistic things? Are you not setting yourself too high standards?
Learn to say 'no'
Many people keep saying 'yes' when someone asks them something. In the short term this gives a good feeling. In the long term this has a negative effect. After all, one cannot keep all those promises. The result is overload and tension.
Often, 'no' is not in your vocabulary. You want to please everyone and be liked. So you have to have a really good reason to say 'no', right? No, you don't. If you think 'no', you have to do 'no'. Otherwise, you're going to overdo it. Explain why you're saying no and no one will hold it against you.
Take control of your thoughts
Take a piece of paper and write down all the things that are going on in your life right now. What are you busy with? What projects and tasks are you trying to divide your attention between right now?
By writing your mind down you get an overview. And this overview gives you control. And that helps reduce stress.
In your head, tasks and thoughts are linked to emotions. This usually causes them to be blown out of proportion. Tasks that are not important at all keep you busy all day long while the really important things are left undone.
Get enough sleep
After a good night's sleep you are more energetic and can deal better with problems and challenges. Try to sleep eight hours. A fixed day-night rhythm and winding down the evening calmly help with this (relaxed, no mobile phone and television).
Get enough exercise
Exercise helps to reduce stress. When exercising, concentrate as much as possible on the activity: What do you feel? What do you see? And what do you hear? This will prevent you from thinking about your work and will really clear your head.
Well-dosed physical activity is a good way to release the released energy. Agreeing on a fixed time with others helps to persevere.
Limit your consumption of alcohol, coffee, sugar and eat healthy
When you are stressed, your body is out of balance. Because your hormones are out of balance, you can get extra cravings for sweets and unhealthy snacks. Try to resist this temptation if you want to get out of this situation quickly and reduce stress.
Feed your body with a balanced and healthy diet and try to avoid sugar. This means that you should avoid sweets, white bread, alcohol and soft drinks. In addition, caffeine is also a very bad choice in times of stress, because it stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol.
Replenish vitamin deficiencies
A stressed body uses vitamins and minerals at an increased rate. Therefore it is important to be extra attentive to vitamin deficiencies.
It may be wise to pay extra attention to your intake of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B. By supplementing your diet with fresh vegetables, unroasted nuts, seeds and whole grain products, you can continue to provide your body with these important nutrients so that your bodily processes continue to function properly even under stress.
Provide relaxation
The body is well-equipped to withstand a short-term stress response. When short periods of stress are alternated with relaxation, the body comes to rest again. Having fun and laughing are healthy. They improve our contacts, increase our resilience and reduce stress. Look for these kinds of moments. Who or what makes you laugh or with whom or what do you have fun? And how can you ensure that these moments occur more often?
Regular exercise helps you deal with stress and helps reduce stress. In response to stress, your body produces the hormone adrenaline. By exercising, you can break down this hormone in a practical way. You will notice that about 45 minutes of moderate to intensive exercise will do you a lot of good.
Meditate and pay attention to your breathing
Use meditation as a medication. When you have calmed down a bit, meditation can help you further in reducing stress.
Meditation starts with breathing. Become aware of your breathing, and feel how you breathe high and shallow in times of stress. If you want to reduce the feeling of stress, breathe calmly and deeply through your belly.
Then you can sit or lie down in a quiet environment and try to focus on your breathing for ten minutes. It is difficult at first, but it gets easier each time.
Meditation lowers your heart rate, reduces the production of stress hormones, lowers your blood pressure and clears your mind.