Five tips for parents to support their child during this exciting time
The test week is just around the corner or has already started… Is your child relaxed (maybe too relaxed?!) or are the nerves running rampant through the house?Five tips for parents to support your child during this exciting time:
1. Rest, cleanliness and regularity
The three r's are good for babies, but also for teenagers during the test week. Eat quietly, preferably healthy and varied and make sure your child goes to bed on time. Encourage him or her to move enough between studying; take the dog for a walk, play football (real life; no FIFA?) or go shopping on the bike. Clearing your head gives you energy and space!
2. Help with a schedule
Make the amount of material that is required for the test visible together. Divide this into smaller, manageable chunks and plan them varied. Also plan time for repeating the material.
3. Don't nag
Let your child be the boss of his or her own test week, no matter how exciting you find it. Give your child confidence. Ultimately, they do it their own way; and it's not necessarily yours!
4. Draw a line
Studying at the very end is fine, but continuing until the middle of the night and then collapsing and underperforming during the test due to fatigue is also not the intention. So as a parent/guardian draw the line: Now put away books and sleep.
5. Stay calm
If you are tense yourself, this can affect your child.
So try to act as normal as possible.
Bonus tip
Finally, a fun experiment:
You were young yourself too.. Think back to your own test week.
What do you wish your parents had done or not done back then?
And how are you doing now?Correct!
Would you like to give your child even more peace and quiet before and during tests or exams?
Register him/her for the Stress Prevention Training for Students.
A fun and educational training, packed with tips and tools to better deal with stress.
A valuable investment for the rest of your life!