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Coach, Trainer & Systemic Work

How are you doing now?

Things aren't going well right now. You're stuck. You're doubting. You're not in the right place. It's getting too much at home.
If things aren't going well at work, in your studies or in your personal life, you can experience stress. This can lead to uncertainty, burnout or depression.

By reflecting on your own development you can find out what you want. What you need to achieve balance. This way you are better able to achieve your personal goals.

There is often more going on than you think. Your daily actions are partly determined by the systems in which you function: your family, your work, your social life. It starts with recognizing non-functional patterns. From this insight, we work together on helpful thoughts, a clear goal and new and desirable behavior.

Coaching and Training in Hilversum

I am Eveline den Boogert. I have a lot of experience in guiding people who want to take matters into their own hands again. I offer you a wide range of methods, interventions and experiments. Together we investigate which path or method is effective to achieve your desired goal. We carefully tune what suits you.

Eveline den Boogert | coach | trainer | systemisch werker | kindbehartiger

You have to do it yourself and you don't have to do it alone!

You can contact me with questions about: burnout, tension, stress complaints, learning to deal with personal obstacles such as difficulty saying no and setting boundaries, perfectionism, fear of failure, fatigue, depression, conflict management, behavioral change, talent development, self-confidence, career issues, personal leadership and effective communication.


Coaching is a form of personal guidance in which you work with a coach on a personal goal or problem. Coaching strengthens, develops and supports your personality, so that you can stand more easily and firmly in life. In the coaching sessions you are confronted with your own behavior, you are stimulated and challenged. Who am I, what do I want, how do I do that differently and what is my greatest wish or dream? Read more


Trainings for personal development, stress/burn-out, team building, leadership and effective communication. Do you want to learn to deal better with stress or get rid of your burn-out symptoms? Or do you have a need to be more effective in your communication, so that you can achieve your goals more easily? Or maybe you want to learn how to better connect with what you really want, so that you experience more ease and effortlessness in your life. Read more

Step plan coaching

What is the secret of successful new blended families? Do they exist: happy stepfamilies? Yes, fortunately more and more. It takes time, insight, coordination and clear agreements to do it right. Going from blended families with problems to successful super stepfamilies is quite a challenge. Especially when these blended families start living together. It is not without reason that 60 percent of new blended families break up again. Read more

Systemic work and constellations

Systemic work is a powerful method that offers a lot of insight. By means of constellations you can look at conflicts with others or at inner conflicts, desires and patterns. A constellation shows that everything and everyone is connected. We look at the mutual relationships and how we can solve the obstructive patterns, so that you become freer in your thinking, doing and acting. Systemic work brings clear, new insights. Read more 

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